I think there is nothing more genuine than noodles
so I will begin with ones self-made .
There is a popular Italian restaurant in the old city of Frankfurt/Main, Germany,
with a hand-painted sign, „Noodles don’t make you fat-they make you happy“.


Certainly there is no question that they are delicious, and once you have tasted self-made ones, you won’t ever again open a box of manufactured ones.
In one of my Italian cookbooks there are no measurements in weights and fluids.
Measurements are rather given in terms of the hands, due mani is 2 handfuls, forming the base for creation as ingredients and other senses join in.
So lets take two or three heaping handfuls of unbleached wheat flour, a pinch of salt,
2 free range eggs, and enough water to achieve an elastic kneadable dough.

You can mix it by hand if you really want to, but there is nothing wrong with a kitchen mixer.
Mix until the smell of the dough changes to a delectable perfume.
Cover with a cloth and let it rest for an hour.
If you don’t have a noodle attachment for your mixer, there are simple inexpensive pasta machines available, otherwise a rolling pin is the tool of old.
Roll it out thin, #5 is good with the pasta machine, or as thin as you can get it by hand.
Cut the dough into lasagne or fettuccine size and hang them to dry for 20 minutes.

My husband Lothar made me a noodle tree, and I can usually get the whole batch on to it.


Otherwise a broomstick or the back of a chair will serve well.
Cook in salted water for about 3 minutes.
The simplest sauce is bio butter and fresh herbs.
Or cold pressed olive oil and herbs.
If you so desire, a bio tomato cut up into little chunks- but don’t cook them.
Some people can’t live without Parmigiano, but grate it yourself.
More about tomato sauce another time.